Field Trial of Newcastle Disease Virus and Bursal Disease Virus Vaccine in Layer Chicken
Newcastle Disease is a severe, systemic, and fatal viral disease of poultry due to virulent strains of avian paramyxovirus type 1. Control of the disease is challenging in enzootic regions. Bursal Disease is seen in young domestic chickens worldwide and is caused by infectious bursal disease virus. Morbidity rate is high and mortality rate is usually low, but some virulent strains cause mortality rates of 60% or higher.
The combination Newcastle Disease Virus and Bursal Disease Virus Vaccine contains Newcastle Disease Virus (LaSota Strain) and Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (Intermediate Strain) for active immunization of healthy chickens and other poultry birds against Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bursal Disease.
A field trial to determine potency and efficacy of this vaccine in layer chicken was carried out by CRO Ltd. The subjects were divided into five groups. Three groups were for potency and efficacy study. One group was vaccinated with investigational vaccine, one group vaccinated with commercially available vaccine and the third group was control.
Sponsor of this field trial was Incepta Vaccine Ltd. (Human & Animal Division), Bangladesh. The trial was inspected by Directorate General of Drug Administration. It is now commercialized in Bangladesh as RaniGum vet, which is recommended for sonali, layer and breeder for protection against Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bursal Disease.