Clinical Research Organization


Field Trial of Fowl Pox Vaccine in Layer Chicken

Fowl pox is a common disease in backyard chicken with catastrophic outcome in young and weak birds in both it’s cutaneous or diphtheritic forms. The virus is also a big threat to commercial layers and breeders.

Fowl pox vaccine is a lyophilized live attenuated vaccine used in chicken and turkey. Each dose of the vaccine contains live attenuated fowl pox virus. 

A field trial to determine potency and efficacy of fowl pox vaccine in layer chicken was done by CRO Ltd. The subjects were divided into two groups. One group was vaccinated with investigational vaccine and the other group was control. 

Sponsor of this field trial was FnF Pharmaceutical Ltd. The trial was inspected by Directorate General of Drug Administration, Bangladesh. It is now commercialized in Bangladesh as Bangla Fowl Pox Vac and is indicated to develop immunity against fowl pox disease in healthy layer, layer breeder and broiler breeder.